Afraid of first meeting?


A boy invited me to his home. I don't know him very well but I find him very personable. Would also like to be friends with him. NOT in terms of relationships… (he lives in the skyscraper next to me) We only talked a few times. I said I could come by after school on Wednesday. He wants to watch Netflix. I also don't think what else is "up to date"… Still, I'm a little afraid that the tide will turn and what could happen. I honestly don't know why or why I think so, but I've never been to a boy's house (alone) …

(I'm 16 and he's 17)

What can I do that I don't have to be afraid?


You can tell him yes, although that might end up being a bit uncomfortable for both parties.


Thank you.


You don't have to be afraid of meeting a boy at all.

Nothing will happen to you that you disagree with, because you have the right to say no and no means no.

Your advantage is that you can just leave if it becomes too "dangerous" for you.

A small request on my part: if he is hoping that something can go well, you have two options.

1. You tell him directly that you don't want a relationship or anything else, be honest with him or you will only hurt him unnecessarily

2. You just meet each other without expectations and if you like him again, and again, and again and possibly after a very long time a bond develops between you that connects you together, it is called love

Just because a young guy wants to watch Netflix doesn't mean he has ulterior motives 😉