Why can I only fall asleep late?


I have a problem:

The fact is that I'm very fit and do a lot of sport. I do need more sleep, however. And I don't get that, I don't know why, but I can't fall asleep early. I usually fall asleep after midnight but have to be awake again at 7:00 am, which is also a big problem for school. But if I try to fall asleep around 23:00 (which is early for me) then I can't do it. I then just lie there for an hour with my eyes closed until it is midnight, then I get annoyed when I go to my cell phone and somehow watch Netflix or Youtube. I usually fall asleep around 2:00 - 3:00. But sometimes I also fall asleep at 9:00 p.m. Or so (which rarely happens) but then I'm much more tired in the morning than when I go to sleep at 2:00 a.m. Would be very happy about a solution


Get Atosil drops from your doctor. So you can always sleep and they don't make you addicted


Your body probably needs a lot of time in the evening to relax and calm down. Maybe you will try asmr to fall asleep. Or you put your cell phone on sleep mode or yellow mode so that your cell phone screen filters out the bright colors.


The problem is that the artificial light on the cell phone only keeps you awake. It is advisable to stop using your cell phone before going to bed. However, it is not uncommon for me to sit too much on it. Apps that limit the usage time or turn down the blue filter in the evening to get tired could be helpful.

My soul has left my body? Sh Shrimpdamage
Keep you awake? Ka Karenshop