My soul has left my body?

- in Movies

It was like this: I went to sleep at 0:00 a.m. And then woke up around 6:00 a.m. So I started Netflix to watch movies, but didn't fall asleep. Later at 7:30 a.m. I ate something lightly and then I went back to my bed. In the meantime my cat has sneaked into my bedroom so I was in bed with my cat and I turned on Netflix again. At 8:10 a.m. I slowly got tired and fell asleep (my cat was under my chin). In my dream I ran to a bridge in the day. Since I forgot to turn off Netflix, I sometimes heard voices in the background.

Then when I got to the bridge there were already students who were one step above me. And it felt pretty realistic, the students behaved as they always did under the bridge. Then it stopped abruptly and I was in my bedroom the creepy thing was I was no longer over my cat. At least my mind no longer I saw my body but from a different perspective. Apparently my body was still asleep but my mind was no longer. It felt like I had watched someone else sleep while I was sleeping whether it was my body.

In the end everything had turned. I saw three pictures again: When I was under the bridge, When I watched my body while sleeping and then the perspective of how I fell asleep. Then I got up and watched my Netflix and it was the same scene that I saw in my dream. Incidentally, I'm a male, I'm under 16 and have no faith.


You dreamed It was all your brain. And apparently you noticed and processed a lot of the series in your sleep.


Your senses and nerves in your head probably couldn't process so many stimuli evenly, also because you still had to save new stimuli with Netfix while sleeping. Only sleep is processed, not newly recorded.

You shouldn't think of the abnormal and ghosts because the beliefs, i.e. Are self-suggestions. It is best to change your media behavior and, if necessary, also your sleeping rhythm.


Thank you for your reply. It just felt so weird like my dreams piled up on top of each other


You probably had a dream and then an astral trip.

Good to hear.

If you want to know what exactly an astral trip is, then I recommend this channel on YouTube:

high Ermind


Thanks for the star.