Title of this cartoon series, it is about 2 step brothers?


I'm looking for an animated series that I've seen on Netflix. It is about 2 step brothers who get lost on Halloween. The big brother is long and thin and I think he was disguised as a magician, at least he wears a pointed hat and a cape. I think the little one is wearing green dungarees and has a pot on his head. The two experience small adventures with different beings. And there's a man who plays an important role, he always chops trees and tries to keep an old lamp burning, because he believes that his daughter's soul is inside, it is the soul of an evil being… Hope someone can help me with this help.


I think you could mean "Over the garden wall", otherwise I can't think of anything that could even begin with your description


That's it! Thank you so much! Especially for your mega quick answer.