This series here?


I'm looking for a series that I saw on Netflix, but I just can't miss the name and I can't find it anymore. The show is about a (I think) contract killer, or at least someone who's pretty good at guns and good at fighting. He is killed, but by inventing a type of chip that is implanted in another body, he comes back to life after many years in the future to do something for someone (I think he should clear up his dead and was a holograph but I'm really not sure since everything is so blurry. I also remember that the person's original body was Japanese and he found it in the middle of the series in a (I think) box club where he was used by an evil actor and then (I think) he fights with his sister against his body that was controlled by evil. I know it all sounds super crazy, but I would be really grateful to you, if someone here happened to know the name of the series.


Are you sure this is a series?
I would immediately think of a film that plays similarly only that it is controlled by a collar, "with a collar he is nice and as soon as the collar is removed he is that, bad person"

the film is called

-Unleashed unleashed

as a series I only know

altered carbon


Omg yes thanks!
It's Altered Carbon.
I couldn't think of anything else all day Thanks!


Altered carbon