How can I become more disciplined and productive?


Since the Corona "vacation" I only lie in bed and eat junk food, watch Netflix etc. I don't have my life under control anymore and I really don't know what to do. I always plan to do something: to learn, to do sports or to read. But it just doesn't work. Does anyone have any tips? I really need help!


The only thing you can do is just start. Of course you want to relax, but don't think about it, just do it


As long as you're good at school, everything is fine. I usually do it this way, I start doing something in the morning right after getting up and then you are fit quickly. Then drink some water and just sit at the desk, start with something simple and then continue until you are at the difficult tasks. After 2 hours or so you can be proud of yourself and then you can watch Netflix as a reward and feel good about it.


And where should someone get the discipline from, to begin with, let alone stick to such plans? No, that first needs a mode where you can program such things like a robot without having to overcome internal resistance.


I think it is more a matter of luck whether it will soon get in a better mood again and structure (e.g. School) will be given from the outside. Your own influence on it is pretty small.


Your own influence is decisive. In particular, coping with times of crisis shows whether someone is able to draw energy from it and make the best of it. If there's no structure from the outside (school), then you have the chance to bring structure into your life yourself. This is important for life as a whole - especially after school. The saying "everyone is a lucky smith" is very true and applies particularly in such a situation. If you put everything on external circumstances, you are lost if something does not go as planned. Only those who take action themselves will survive a crisis stronger than before. But that should be well known.


Overcoming lethargy is a question of will, it only requires a pen and a sheet of paper. Your suggestion is too vague to be implemented.


Who says something does not have the will. I just didn't feel like getting on my bike and doing some cardio. I wanted to stay in bed. But I just went down to the basement, sat on it and started driving. Once you're there, it works.


No, you don't "want" these things, but try to submit to external constraints and threats. So get fat and sick, fail, possibly punishments and sanctions. You can only want what you currently feel like, or if you really have internalized a higher, achievable goal. However, the latter can't be ordered.


You don't "want" these things, you just try to submit to external constraints, threats and a guilty conscience. And you can't "want" something on command, because that only involves violence against yourself.


I'm not convinced that it is due to my genes. But what is the use of postponing something permanently? Then it just buzzes in the head. If something needs to be done (whether it serves my purpose or just the normal household) then I will do it as soon as possible.
You can't let yourself be dragged like this in life. Whoever just postpones will not be successful


And as I said, it's usually not about things that you really want, but about threats, constraints, hated duties and slave work that you can only do like a robot or by violence against yourself.


Are your sentences missing adjectives? Nobody tries to submit to constraints, threats and guilty consciences. Your words have no causal connection to the above question. Nobody orders themselves to use violence - if they are mentally healthy.


This is a fatal mistake. Do you know the saying: "Everyone is a lucky smith." (?)


Especially when you are forced to do this, you have to do this work, because the pig dog is out of place.
Is there really a predisposition? No idea. For me it is all a question of will and education


I think the sentence "Everyone is a lucky smith" is at least partially wrong, because many things are predetermined simply by disposition and environment. I really don't want to discourage the questioner to try something, but the possibilities are not equally available for everyone. An external structure is internalized at some point, e.g. Get up to go to school. If you are alone at home without such a structure, you will not be able to do it because the mandatory stipulation and impending sanction for non-compliance are missing. Getting up at 7 a.m. On its own, although you actually want to be in bed by 10 a.m., many can't and some can't learn. Indeed, e.g. Studying at university is often more difficult than school, less because of the technical requirements than because soft skills such as self-organization, discipline and social skills are suddenly necessary. The same applies to work and career. Basically, you only do something if you can get the gun on your head. Getting beyond that is really difficult, and many can't even because it isn't written in their DNA. With homeschooling (which I actually find good, but which also needs structure) and home office, many are in a similar situation to university students. I wish the questioner all the best and that she has the genes that ultimately enable her to control herself.


If you can't get your but up, these assumptions are probably correct. But everyone has it in his hand to raise him and what to do. Once you are aware of what happens if you do not do this, it is a must for every thinking person to organize themselves. There's no failure written in your DNA. If you get the right impetus, such as through my comment, then it is possible for everyone to get out of their lethargy. No matter what genetic information it carries. In contrast, your statements are counterproductive in such a case, because this is how you think: oh, I will probably not get it right, because I was not made for it and remains lethargic. That is wrong and dangerous. Everyone can steer themselves in the right direction if they are aware of what they are doing and what they can do. And this awareness is not predetermined. Let's put the genes aside, because they are not responsible for what you can always influence yourself. And whether you let yourself go or get up, you can always decide for yourself. With your attitude, it is advisable to check and correct your own risk of falling into depression and inactivity. There's no compulsion to recognize this. And once you really recognize that, you automatically act correctly. That's the whole point. Not the genetic makeup. Then there's no longer an excuse for letting yourself go and putting everything on the DNA. Then you are suddenly responsible for yourself. Then doing the right thing is easy. This is also an important finding for your further development, so that you do not become powerless and driveless yourself through your own attitude. I wish you both that you get over this point and become happy.


@iQdnic If it were so that everyone could freely decide whether to get his but up, that he could become aware of it, why do tons of adults in advanced age have these problems? Those who have rummaged through a myriad of advice literature and Internet tips, who have done therapies and "Tschakka Tschakka" seminars? Perhaps it works with the "Tschakka Tschakka" even for the moment that these people could really "make it" during the collective jubilation. But when it comes to implementation, at home at the latest, when there's no more motivation trainer, everything ends and they hang there as limp as before. If it is motivation, they need external motivation all the time; their own motivation, or the ability to create one, is not innate to them. Why should people blame themselves for failing something they can't? In order to be successful in competitive sports, you also need physical prerequisites that not everyone is born with. Why should it be different with discipline?


It is not a command that you want something, but you want without any pressure when you have realized that it is clearly the better way for yourself. There's no command, but you suddenly react according to your own wishes, which are now exceptionally the right ones to solve the problem. So for a self this is not a pressure, but a win-win situation. Once you have recognized this, your "command" becomes completely irrelevant because it is not about it at all.


That sounds much tidier. I didn't write anything about commands, but about the animation of the will to overcome his lethargic idleness.


I see and know practically only two options: either, you follow the instinct that always wants to be comfortable and pleasant immediately (aka inner piggy or comfort zone), or you force yourself with the most brutal internal violence to fulfill a required duty and requirement. For self-chosen goals, only the brutal method works, only that you accept it like cockroach eating in the jungle camp. Unfortunately, with a high risk of failure. I've heard of will or motivation to really want something, but I can't understand it. Motivation, like all emotions, is not really controllable like the weather. Even if others might be able to do this with positive goals, I exclude it from purely mandatory requirements, perhaps a internalized aversion to "hanging out lazily" and the resulting guilty conscience.


There's no guilty conscience, at best an impure one. Remorse can be an initiation to change the status quo. My understanding of what a brutal method should be in my proposal of the to-do list.


The brutal method is the implementation, maybe the starting point, if you are constantly lost in all sorts of things, then maybe you just can't find a pen or a sheet of paper and don't feel like digging everything for 20 minutes. Everything you need to get out of the comfort zone is brutal.


If that's your way, then please. This is not a solution for the FS.