Communication problems in a relationship?


My friend and I are 3 months together, but somehow we have communication problems.

At the beginning we had hardly ever spoken so really, we both worked on it and in any case has now improved, but we're talking but I'm somehow missing something, are not profound conversations or anything.

I personally have nothing to tell, because at the moment I'm in a phase where I spend all my time at home, doing something for the university or watching netflix. I also have no real friends with whom I meet. So I'm kind of totally bored.

On the other hand, he works a lot because he has to deal with a lot of people, there's always something to tell, you listen to it with a laugh or make a comment and that's it.

I never had such problems with my best friend, we were able to talk about everything all night long… But I lack the in-depth discussions with my partner. Or generally correct conversations.

If someone tells you what they are asking for and then there are no real conversations.

know and now 6 months, 3 of them in relationship. I'm introverted. Talks are rather dull.

What are you talking to your partner about? And how do you create such profound or normal conversations and what are they about?

how can you start such conversations? I think we have to "click" once, then the problem is solved.

We know a lot about each other… But so little at the same time.

For example, we know the smallest things like, favorite food, favorite color or favorite chocolate etc. Not, but "bigger" things that burden you or stories of things that happened, etc.

how can you experience something like this without just asking bluntly.


Not, but "bigger" things that burden you or stories of things that have happened etc.

That would be e.g. Exactly the right approach - assuming you trust him - then that would be exactly the right topic for discussion - start with something like this and you will then notice whether he is also telling you something of this kind…

Silence is silver - TALKING is GOLD;


Do you feel comfortable around him?

I think that's the most important thing, the rest is yet to come.

I don't talk to my wife that much either and when I think about my past. I also believe that you don't know much about it.

But is that important? Not me. I rather try to enjoy the moment and probably you too. Our relationship is quite open. She often comes later from work e.g. Then either she tells me where she was. Or not. Then that's just the way it is. The other way around.

We have been married for 15 years.

I think you also have to give your partner space and always think, who cares, she'll come back.

Fortunately, it was always like this.

I just hope that my story calms you down.

You probably think too much about it. 😎 all the best


Basically there's nothing wrong with listening. If you are studying for the next exams, then that's just the way, then you just have nothing new to tell.

Could imagine that it would be good if you had a common hobby or if you went somewhere together and built up a common memory base. You haven't known each other that long, that will definitely get better. You are actually still getting to know each other. I think it will be better if you have more common experiences.