Do I eat unhealthy or healthy?


I'm 13 and I'm underweight. I eat 3 meals a day (thankful for that) & also eat some snacks. I usually eat oat muesli at breakfast. Then I eat at lunchtime (mostly) meat, salad (or spinach) & noodles (or dumplings stuffed with spinach). Of course, sometimes I do without meat. I really eat every vegetable and every fruit variety. I eat an apple almost every day & really at least 2 tangerines a day. I do not drink sugary drinks (so only water and sometimes tea). Every day, I try to drink 1.5-3 liters of water. At the moment I do not do any sports (although I'm very sporty). Most of the time I'm in bed (which also has to do with my depression) & watch Netflix or listen to music. In addition, I tend to fry attacks & eat almost daily 1-2 bars of chocolate frustration. After that I have a bad conscience (because I know that there's sugar). However, I try to do without chips (which works very well, but I also eat c.a 3-5 yoghurts a day (I'm so addicted to it).) Do you think that I'm more likely to be healthy or more unhealthy?


For me, your diet sounds quite normal.

If you're underweight, maybe you're a little bit of everything. But otherwise… Is there anything to moan about. Except every day meat, that does not need.


On the whole, that sounds good. Also that you include vegetables and fruits in your diet. + enough drinking

Of course, one can complain about the chocolate (you can make it but it should not be so often), leg yoghurt is all about the yoghurt, is it a natural yoghurt or rather a shampoo pudding?


Oha oO nourish yourself but very unhealthy. I could not eat that much. 2 meals a day is fine for me. Pasta is delicious, chocolate and yogurt too. But you sometimes overdo it.


Well. So in the fridge are very many varieties of yogurt (my mother bought, because she knows that I'm a yogurt fan). There are varieties such as: strawberry, mango, apple pie, stracciatella, etc.