Relationship even though we don't fit?


I like a boy and he likes me too. The problem is that we have completely different hobbies and stuff.

I prefer to chill and watch Netflix all day and draw while eating chips. (but chips only a maximum of 2 times a week. Eat me half unhealthy half healthy)

He is super sporty, doesn't just want to lie on the couch 24/7 and just wants to do something outside. He also eats healthy.

Wouldn't we get on our nerves when we're together because I don't want to go out but want to go out? It also gets complicated with our diet. He doesn't like chips and energy drinks, but I don't feel like eating healthy 24/7 either.

What do you think, can something work despite everything? I have my doubts there, even though I would really like to be with him. But I also don't feel like it lasts only 2 weeks


Well, then compromises have to be made. Then you sometimes go out with him and do sports (which would also be good for you) and sometimes he watches Netflix with you or you just chill. If you two strictly resist the other's hobbies, nothing will. Unless you can live with it if you only do a little together, but I don't know if it's that nice. So I would say that without compromise it will not work so well.


So my friend is a vegetarian and I eat ham every day, etc. We're very different in terms of nutrition. And when we do sports, it's not the same thing, he likes strength training and jogging, while I prefer to ride, dance or do yoga. If there's anything else you can do together and you can imagine a relationship, then why not? You can always compromise.


Your doubts are justified…

It may be that you are going well for 14 days, but after that you get on your nerves.

Or you find compromises - which frankly rarely works - especially since you already have concerns.


I think the same and the same likes to join. If you have nothing in common and a completely different lifestyle, sooner or later you will clash.


That's how I see it too.


I don't see any chance for you in the future. Unfortunately, I have to say that.