Is sitting around necessarily unhealthy?


I jog every other day for half an hour and between times I ride my bike for an hour (usually three times a week). In addition, I make sure to do one hundred daily push-ups, and I also eat quite healthy - I have trained a very athletic body but I also sit around a lot and see Netflix, which are determined 3-4 hours daily.

Is that unhealthy? I mean I'm doing successful sports regularly as described above, but often I do not move at all.

Should I change my behavior or is it healthy from a health point of view?


As long as you do not stuff greasy chips or sweets into masses, it's healthy. Sitting is the most normal. You even consume calories.

Sitting can only be unhealthy if you sit too long wrong.


If you do balancing sports regularly, sitting is not necessarily unhealthy.


I think it's probably okay. If you are just sitting down, you'll eventually notice pain in your back, but with you it's all balanced.

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