Awesome 5 minute dishes for Netflix?


Search for quick recipes (also unhealthy)

Something nice to snack on.

But please without fish / greens (broccoli)

I like pasta ^^ fast food and pretty much anything that is unhealthy


Mix 1 cup of kefir with spelled flakes (mixed)


Both are not there. But thanks


Half a roll / baguette slices etc. Toast briefly so that they are a little crispy. Tomato paste or tomato sauce on top (tomato puree from the tetrapack or from the can is enough), salami, ham, cheese, spices etc. On top. In the oven until the cheese melts. Mini pizzas are ready.

Or make popcorn yourself. Buy popcorn corn. Put oil in a pan, let it get hot, add corn, wait, put sugar on it, done.


Nice thank you I already saw the pizza roll idea on yt.


Oh, you want healthy fast food… With Burger King maybe…


It's awesome, but of course, popcorn is a better snack, tastes heavenly when you make it yourself and is so cheap


I do not understand left the question again…


Haha i think so. However, my dad is responsible for the purchases and for the most part he only buys junk


If you still have (cooked) noodles in the fridge, you can add chopped sausages, put ketchup on top, put a slice of cheese on top and put in the microwave until the cheese has melted. Real trash food but extremely fast and awesome 😂

Cooking noodles especially for this is of course not worth it haha


You can get the corn everywhere in the supermarket, you can take a look for yourself, it is in such a large bag (e.g. From Alnatura). It costs about two euro and I get 10-15 large bowls out of it. So it's worth it, especially it's ready in a few minutes


* Read your text again - find a paradox!


Try making homemade hash browns.

Or you could make yourself sandwiches or popcorn