Why is my brother so stupid?


Yesterday late at 23 o'clock I have unfortunately quarreled again with my brother Isa.

It was about sitting in the living room on the couch and watching netflix and I said I want to watch something there as well. Then he said I should wait even though he was sitting there for 3 hours.

Then I took away the remote control and he tore my out of hand and then I started to beat him again and he kicked me then he tapped us we unfortunately flew my head against the door frame.

then our dad had to take us apart and has us blatantly blabbered and said we're stupid both. Then my father started watching TV.

How can you endure with such a brother? He's already 21 he should have moved out long ago


How can you endure with such a brother? He's already 21 he should have moved out long ago


get started and move out or get your own TV and netflix contract


YOU hit your brother and then you wonder why he is resisting? O.o

And insult him on the internet?

Are you crazy? O.o


Why do not you troll somewhere else? Your parents should have kicked you out long ago. You are the one who is unbearable.