Little brother what did he do?


My little brother was his best friend's birthday today (I'm with my friend's big brother that's why I was there) so my little brother, his best friend, was still a friend and 2 girls were there. No idea they wanted to watch a netflix or something. Then I should go down and see if everything was ok because it was completely quiet all of a sudden. And suddenly my brother is lying on the bed with the girl and sleeping and she is in his arms and the others are already sleeping, all but in separate beds. Do you think I should pretend I didn't see anything or should I tell my mother? Do you think something was going on?

(He is 14 and so is she)


He is 14, of course that concerns the parents. Even if it is legal, he is still a child, and until the age of 18 he is under the custody and guardianship of parents, who have the right and should demand to know what the child is up to.


Pretend you haven't seen anything.

By the way, they are officially allowed to have sex. I don't think they had any though - not when there are several people present.


It is none of the parents' business. At 14, sex is officially allowed.


Let the whole thing rest.

Anyone who does not do this in secret, but publicly, has nothing to hide.

I think.


Hopefully you are not a parent


I probably wouldn't tell your parents at first, but I would talk to your brother about it and see how he reacts. If there really is something, he will definitely want to tell your parents himself. Just talk to him about it. LG PF