Is gaining weight more difficult than losing weight?


I don't understand people who think that losing weight is more difficult than gaining weight.

When you lose weight, you just have to leave out the chips and eat something healthy.
Just do sports instead of watching Netflix.

In contrast to increasing.

You can't do any sport to gain weight, which is a hell of a challenge.
You have to eat all the time.
You have to pay more money for food.
Thin people are often beaten up by bullies at school.
Thin people have to hear that muscles do not apply to them.
Thin people have to eat a lot, are not allowed to exercise and still have to look after their health.

The fact is, it is easier not to eat and exercise more than to eat a lot and not exercise.

What's your opinion?


I can tell you have no idea about that. Being thin doesn't mean being sick. Only when you are underweight should you act.

Fat or anorexic, both have long been recognized as diseases in other countries. The cause is often psychological.


I see it completely differently than you do: It is very difficult to lose weight! I'm not a sports fan! But I never watch Netflix either. What I do in sport is definitely not enough! I'm not answering. Simply leaving out the chips is not enough: the scales tell me something else. I don't lose a kilo! It is really extremely difficult! Eating is not a problem!


It depends on your body type.

There are 3 body types:

Ectomorph - the "narrow" or thin one.
Mesomorph - the athlete, narrow hips, broad shoulders.
Endomorph - the stocky, rounded build, higher fat percentage.

The ectomorph will be able to eat a lot and gain weight very slowly and with difficulty.

The mesomorph will be able to put on fat faster, but also muscle quickly.

The endomorphic type will put on fat faster but can build muscle more slowly than the mesomorphic type but faster than the ectomorphic type.

Well, these are the 3 body types, of course it also depends on how much sport you do, etc.


When losing weight, just skip the chips and do sports? If it were that easy…

So I see it differently. If you want to gain weight there's either the halfway "healthy" variant and you stuff yourself full of carbohydrates (a lot of rice, noodles, etc.) or the bad one, but it goes much faster and you shovel a lot of MCs, chips and ESPECIALLY sweet drinks (chips, cola etc.) .) and it works all by itself.


Why shouldn't you be allowed to do sports if you want to gain weight? Most people gain weight BY exercising as it builds muscle, which leads to weight gain. Sorry, but what you're writing is total nonsense. When you're in a calorie surplus, you gain weight. And you don't have to lie around all day and do without exercise. Whether it is easier to lose weight or to gain weight is more individual.


Yes, as he probably has a pretty fast metabolism, you have a slower one so it is harder for you each time.


If someone has a fast metabolism, no matter how much fast food they put in, nothing will go by itself. That can be pretty difficult. How it is totally difficult for many to lose weight.