Do you enjoy cycling to lose weight?


Since March 2020 I haven't actually been doing anything about Corona. Now I have gained a little more than 10 kg over the entire year (12 should definitely be). I haven't changed anything in my diet, but there's no exercise. You make yourself comfortable at home, watch Netflix and spend the day like that. I had planned to reintegrate at least some sport into everyday life. I wanted to ride my bike to work every day, is cycling good for losing weight?


And whether! Pedal for half an hour / three quarters of an hour every day and you will already notice success after 1 week.


That would be great! My way to work is about 6kg by bike. There and back that makes 12kg


Bicycling can be very healthy, especially since you don't put a lot of stress on your joints compared to jogging, for example.

Cycling is also fun.

Whether you lose weight depends on whether you manage to create a color deficit, i.e. Consume more than you consume.

In any case, cycling won't hurt you.

In addition to cycling, I can recommend tubes or other rubber bands that are inexpensive but extremely versatile and replace short and long dumbbells. A combination of strength training at home and cardio might be what you need to get in shape.


You mean km πŸ‘


That's true! I've lost 5 kilos just by cycling!


Sure, it's good for fitness, health and the environment.

Calorie consumption (kcal) in 60 minutes depending on the driving speed (on the flat)

slower than 15 km / h = approx. 280 kcal

18-21 km / h = approx 550kcal

21-24 km / h = approx 700kcal

4-28 km / h = approx 850kcal


I suppose you mean km.
But 12km a day will not bring us very much now. Better than nothing but always.


Yes sorry 12 KM not KG πŸ˜‚


Any move is better than none. And I think cycling is a very good start. How far do you go to work?


Yes, I have a flat bench with me in the basement. I actually plan to dig them out again


6km so 12km there and back. Not very far now, but better than nothing and can be wonderfully integrated into everyday life


Oh, that's a great start. This is exactly the kind of movement I miss (cycling to the home office is just that. Well 😁).

I don't know your working hours, but it stays light longer in the evening, so you can wonderfully extend the route after work and incorporate a smaller tour.

But at the same time, pay attention to your diet. How much sport did you do before? With an increase of 10-12kg per year with the same diet, you would no longer have to have some activities.


Yes is healthy but losing weight is moderate, you have to drive a lot and eat healthy. I know an elderly racing cyclist from the UK who is slightly obese, despite riding hardcore and having a healthy diet.


To be honest, I can't tell you that because I didn't consciously do sports but rather did what I wanted to do. This includes swimming every now and then and a lot of hiking. Swimming and hiking are my favorite pastimes, but since Corona the swimming pools have mostly been closed and the lakes in my region were closed by the police and every now and then patrols drove past and evicted people from the area.

Well and since then I've been avoiding everything, I would like to do that hiking again, but you can clearly see that even the remote hiking parking lots and routes are now mutating into hotspots. In the early days in particular, I couldn't find any space to park in parking lots where there used to be a maximum of 3 cars.

Now my everyday life consists of work, coming home, resting and eating, studying and a little Netflix, all activities that you do while lying or sitting. Movement really goes towards 0


Oh, I miss swimming so much too…

Then just start cycling. If you're in it a bit, you can incorporate longer tours on the weekend. Due to the lack of a swimming pool, I have also reoriented myself and do a lot of Nordic walking. Not my favorite sport, but at least I'm outside and doing something.