Is meat a risk cancer to be heart disease?


I just looked at a documentary / report on Netflix. Name: what the health.

Since I'm losing weight and want to get more motivation and want to know more about unhealthy diet.

But there was just the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

I know that meat is not so healthy and I do not like pigs but meat turkeys I already like to eat meat and now I just think so. Is it really that harmful? To which I also have an innate complicated heart mistake.

But in the report said that a sausage already 18% cancer risk or the like.

What do you all mean? Is that really true?


The quantity makes the poison. And that's also true of everything, including meat and vegetables, etc. If you eat it in small quantities (not several kilos a day) then it still works. Know people who have never eaten meat in their lives and are still suffering from diabetes or have problems with heart disease. And then there are people who eat a lot of meat every day and have NOTHING about it. Is also partly easy tendency.


Anything that is consumed excessively is a potential health risk, including fruits and vegetables

Here's an example:

In the laboratory, 20 carrot, beetroot and sauerkraut juices were analyzed for their ingredients. The result: Vegetable juices, long considered to be the lower sugar alternative to fruit smoothies, contain up to 100 grams of sugar per liter. In some cases, they even exceed the sugar content of fruit juice. Orange juice contains about 80 grams per liter…

(Eco test)

Inform yourself comprehensively on the subject of nutrition, in case of insecurity a referral to a nutritional consultation can be useful.


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