When is a meeting a date for you men?


I've been out of this for a long time, so the question.

My buddy probably said we had a date 🤣🙌.

But because it is different for everyone.

When is a meeting a date for you, generally when you are alone with the woman?

So e.g. Watch Netflix into the night,

Or eat coffee and cake in a café, or go to the cinema and eat ice cream. Bowling, swimming.

How do I know as a woman that you see it as a date?

Are there any special signs?


Date is just new German for a meeting, the term also occurs in business.

Most of all it doesn't matter, right?


It's best never to go on a date.

Spending time as a couple doesn't necessarily have to be a date! It can also be purely amicable. And that's ideal anyway: You get along well and spend time together casually. A friendship can then develop into love. But doesn't have to! However, if both notice "we're a good match", then the friendship develops into a relationship. Without a date at all.


For me, a date is a meeting where I want to get to know someone better or get closer to them (on the emotional level, if I've known them for a long time).
I wouldn't call a meeting purely to pass the time a date.
Is one of you two interested in the other?


For me, a date is a meeting of two people with the express purpose of getting to know each other and possibly getting closer.

Just being alone with one woman is not a date for me. And it doesn't really matter what you do on a date. Whether Netflix, coffee, bowling or gymnastics. Only the intention is decisive.


In my interpretation:

A date is a certain togetherness with the desired partner.
Which has a light / heavy romantic note.

e.g. At home watching netflix any action film (togetherness / intimacy) is a meeting

on the other hand, watching a drama / romance film at home netflix (togetherness / intimacy / romance)

then I would call it a date


So with me yes, with him at least at the beginning and he would not be averse to kissing, but said I should then start through. He also often says to my other buddy that we had a date 🤣🙈 where I never know anything about myself, then in my eyes it is actually a normal meeting, I mean we cuddle more often when we watch DVD or even in front of our friends the other day at a party. 🎉Even they said when the ice breaks

X-Men order? Gu Guiltlessbean
A question for men? Fr Fruitguttural