A question for men?

- in Movies

Recently had a date with someone I find very interesting

the circumstances when we met were different from normal and short version it came to the Gv

He then suggested we could make a phone call or watch a certain film on Netflix at the next meeting and the contact after the meeting was good like before the date and now he does not answer

I don't understand because he suggested calling on the phone and meeting again


Apparently he said goodbye to you from the one night stand a little more discreetly, in which he gave you hope that more will come of it.
Now you have to clarify the rest with him yourself


Don't let yourself go to one night stands anymore, he just wanted to make it clear to you that he meant business so that you could treat him


He said it afterwards


Yes, so that you don't start an argument


I always find it discriminatory when such questions are declared "to the men". I don't want to be compared with such Heiopeis. Please don't be so naive as to believe that gender plays any role here. A sensible man would have contacted you. Maybe you should steer clear of all the others. But that's up to you and your urge for self-flagellation.


For me, even girls who got down to business straight away were not suitable for a longer relationship.

He said goodbye to you without any problems


You will be surprised, but the male representatives of our species are also unable to communicate telepathically. Our antenna between the legs is not there to read other people's thoughts.

So nobody can answer this question for you. Our guesses are even worse than yours, since you know this man, unlike us here.