Moving out with trainee salary?


In advance I have a very bad relationship with my parents and it stresses me and stresses me very psychologically which then also affects my education. That's why I want to move out. I'm 21 and earn 600 euro a month and if you take out insurance / contracts - (very, very highly valued) 200 on average for everything (car, cell phone, Netflix…).

I know that you can include money at the employment agency under certain conditions, but my parents seem to have too high an income. I wanted to ask you who has experience with moving out during training who can give me some advice on what to watch out for what I can do. Possibly where you still get grants.
Just a few experiences from you. Would really help me


You will not get any support from the employment office

There's the BAB, but you only get it if you have to move out because of the training because it is further away

Also you will not get an apartment because you would need a guarantor

How do you like to raise the deposit, to arrange yourself completely from A to Z? Do you have so much money on the high edge?

You can't finance your life independently and as long as you do not think of moving out


It will be very difficult

this can only be increased with income and (!) minimize costs (e.g. Netflix gone)

You could still have the child benefit diverted to you and do a side job (if the training company does not object)

trortzdem there will always be a room in a shared apartment


Your parents are financially responsible for you during the training, especially if they earn well. You will therefore not receive any further grants. If you move out, however, you can apply to the family fund to have your child benefit paid directly to you and no longer to your parents.

If your parents do not support you financially when you move out, I see financially but black. With the low salary nobody will rent you an apartment. Perhaps you have the chance of a room in a shared apartment, but that shouldn't cost more than 200 euro. How do you want to pay bail and furniture then I don't know (or did you at least save something?).


Perhaps you should take a closer look at the topic before embarking on an adventure that you can't assess at all…

Do you earn 600 gross or net?

Ever heard of child benefit?

How much would apartments in your area cost?

Cold? Warm? Including electricity, telephone / internet, GEZ etc?

Would you be ready to move into a shared apartment? To give up your car?

What other expenses do you have / would you have every month (clothes, groceries, leisure…)?

Can you run a household?

Can you afford / organize bail and initial equipment?


Here are a few keywords that I'm more concerned with:

21 years, now only in training, little money but car, Netflix etc. And the others should finance the wish of their own apartment.

Your life, I can only refer to what you write.

There are also plenty of advice centers for 21-year-olds who can help you objectively.

Contact a Caritas counseling center, youth counseling centers are still there for your age.

Possibly. Even the youth welfare office.

If your parents have enough money and there are objective reasons for moving out, they may also have to support you.