How can you improve your Schufa classification?


How can you improve your negative Schufa ratings?

I was classified at 385 just under 400 but there are entries that were two or three years ago, they have all been paid for, how or what can I do now to be classified at 200 or better?

How does it work if you want to delete your entries, would it even be that easy?

I'm a permanent employee and yes, I don't earn much about 1,500 euro, but at least better than a trainee salary like a year ago, I continue to apply so that I get better paid somewhere else but yes, Corona is ruining everything again!

Have things like cell phone contract, fitness contract, Netflix contract, etc. Don't…

I still live with my parents, I'm 24 years old and wanted to buy an apartment that costs 19,000 euro, I've been able to save 12,000 euro so far and of course I'm still there.

well whatever, wanted to ask whether you have such experiences or what I could do so that I can take out credit and get better rated for the first time?


Anyone can apply to Schufa to delete the entries that are no longer valid. You can't improve anything on the score yourself. However, clear behavior is rewarded with money, no debt arrears, and paying everything on time.