Monthly report submitted too late. Do you get a check and no salary?


My apprenticeship (craft) gives us a check if we send the timesheets (although we get salary) or the report book too late, rather than pay us salary.

Since it takes a long time to submit the check, you always have to wait days for your money. The salary usually comes on the same day as we get our bills. So you have no chance to divide your money if you leave your belongings too late.

Now my question for you:

Is my company allowed to do that?

And I can claim damages, if I due to the fact that my salary comes only days later on my account and I thereby can't cover my running costs (eg Netflix on 31. But the salary comes only against the 7, due to the submission Now I'm in the minus on the account and must be charged or pay interest / fees)

"Can't and does not want to have my account above 0, so the money will be returned and I get 1-3 euro, penalty and a bail from the bank


It's your own fault. Give your report in time, then such "educational measures" are not necessary.

By handing over the check, the employer paid his salary on time. That your bank does not pay immediately, is YOUR problem.


That's a lot of shoes.

First of all, I would solve the problem. Make sure your account is not squeezed all the way to the last penny, but let it drop a few hundred dollars each month so you do not slide down.

The next would be the employment contract. When does it say that the salary is due? The regulations are often diverse. Sometimes on the 10th, others in advance…

The third would be the word "please". Search with the payroll of your company the conversation and ask friendly, if it would be possible… Etc. With an emphasis on being friendly.


He just needs to deliver his report book on time and the case is done


Laws both at school and in study and work life are unfortunately mostly just for decoration. Of course you can complain and take a lawyer but then you also know that the school / university / Fh / company is no longer well-disposed and finally you depend on them and not the other way around.


But let each month a few hundred euro on it, so you do not slip into the minus

Nice advice.

If your money is not enough at the end of the month, then just leave a few hundred euro on it!

I'll tell my cleaning aid (which has this problem more often).


Which pays attention to the timely delivery, the report books must be signed by the boss / trainer. If you do not get it on the chain - that's the reaction. Is clearly with you.

call it education.


It is a question of organization. If the money is not enough, then I'll just find a month extra work and pay that. So that at least not by bank charges even less.


But if I already work full time + part time? And still at the end of the month not "a few hundred left over"?

No offense, but such a proposal simply goes past the reality of life completely.


As far as I know trainees are under some protection and the salary must be on the last working day of the month.


"The next thing would be the employment contract, when is the salary due? The rules are often varied, sometimes on the 10th, others in advance…"

Training allowances are not affected as they must be paid within the same month.


It is paid on time in the form of a check.


Your employer must pay you your apprenticeship salary by 31st of the month at the latest, in what form can the AG decide.

However, I suspect that you will not meet your obligations to submit your timesheet and the report booklet monthly.

Your AG would also have the opportunity here to admonish you for your negligence and in case of further negligence could also be a termination.

So you better work on yourself than thinking about sueing the AG.

Besides, why do not you leave the amount you need on your account?


No, then the expenditure situation goes past the revenue reality. If I have as little money as the operation, then I have to do without Netflix.


Do you have a proof / Parqgraph on it, so I go to my boss with it.


No, it's not my fault that I did not hand in my report book on time, but that I do not get my salary on time on my account


Paragraph 18 Vocational Training Act


Also, I did not say anything to the contrary…