How much money do you have left in the month?


My life situation will change soon, which will cost me much more. In my calculation I then come to the conclusion that I will have after deducting rent, electricity, food, drink, Running subscriptions (eg Netflix), insurance, car, etc. Approximately 400 euro more than I have for leisure activities and / or to use for saving.

Since I had much more available before that comes to me just "little" before - even if it's actually a good sum.

Hence the question: How much money do you have left over?

Background info: I'm 22 and am in the 2nd year after my education, means I also have a rather low starting salary

Of course, that depends very much on the salary, of course, but still.


Well, not much is feasible. What you should always keep in mind are the costs that are due annually (car tax, ADAC contribution) or even quarterly due dates. Many people forget to take these costs into account. Otherwise, if you do not spend the money with full hands, it should m. E. Rich. At some point you will earn more.

BTW: Ever checked whether the housing money could be entitled?


Is housing allowance equivalent to a residence permit? Unfortunately, I deserve just too much for that


400 euro are ok, but you can also see how you have in the current expenditure still optimization options (cheaper insurance, cheaper mobile phone provider, etc).

I did that at the time and was able to get another 100 euro a month.


I doubt that this is a claim. For this, the monthly income would have to move in the range of 1,000 euro.


We (live with my friend)

always have over 1000+ left.

But also earn almost 2000 together, save though, but always have a lot of expenses (house renovations ect)

But are never "broke", always have enough on the account.

Saving is the most important thing.


So I put 1000 on the side, and still have about 500 with whom I can do what I want.


What do you want to tell me now?


It really did not want to submit to your text.