2x free month for Netflix?

- in Free

I already had a free month, then paid for this free month for 1 year. Month for month. At some point I quit Netflix, I mean that was in October. I'm currently logging into my account and I'm offered a free month again! I have not done anything yet! I simply logged out again, just wanted to see if I still know the password. As I want to switch from Prime to Netflix again soon. But before that, the paid month has to expire on Prime (21 January).

Is that common that Netflix offers a 2x free month?


I had that too. Bzw am just back in there. Will still terminate appropriately and still enjoy the Probemonat


Of course, I will take the free month with me as well, but after the prime on January 21, it expires and is terminated. Wanted to go back to Netflix anyway and pay again after the month.


Yes, your subscription is canceled. Your account but not. That is normal. If you would subscribe again, you will receive another free month. You can do that every 3 months.

It would be too annoying for me, but if you did that it would be legal. This is synonymous with other subscriptions such as magazine or Boxenabos.


OK. Yes, I had previously paid for 1 year and then terminated. I wondered now.


Yes, you do not always know everything. That's what we're here for. Somebody can always find help here.


If he is offered you can use synonymous if in times had but more than 2 times does not get offered unless you were several years no longer at Netflix then it can be but otherwise use it easily