Problems with iTunes and Netflix, can I reclaim my money?

- in Free

First, the following background: I have created a new Netflixaccount, to which a free month was guaranteed. Since I have at no time had a Netflixaccount, so neither a complete, sole owner was still a participant of a foreign account, I can make my claim to said month of comfort quite assert. The first time I was charged by iTunes, directly at the beginning of the free month, an amount of 13.99 euro. This problem has since been resolved, i. The amount has been refunded through Paypal and will be in my bank account in the next few days. The payment method on iTunes, I have now changed synonymous. When I talked to iTunes Customer Service, I terminated my subscription following the instructions of the service. In addition, I was proposed after the termination to activate the account again to continue using Netflix normal. Now this leads me to the following problem: I was charged again 13,99 euro, but this time by Netflix and not iTunes, which according to the customer service can't be refunded, although I still have a full, free month available. It seems that my account has been suspended by iTunes, which concludes that the free month is canceled and can't be resumed.

What do I do now? ITunes did not tell me that my account will be suspended. In addition, I have acted on the instructions of the customer service and I was not informed / informed about these possible consequences. Can I somehow reclaim my money and ultimately get it back?


Do a little pressure this time. Maybe that brings something.


I've already thought about it, stupid is just that the legally are in the right. I might crash again with ITunes