TV without Internet - buy receiver or rather new TV with Internet?


My sister currently has a Panasonic TV without internet.

Now she also wants a TV with Internet or a way of using the Internet on the TV (eg for Netflix).

Now I'm thinking, is it enough to buy a receiver or rather a web-enabled TV?

What's more fun for her and what would be a better investment?

Maybe someone has a suggestion for me ready what I could buy her.


She will enjoy the TV for a long time. "Small" (all up to 50 inches) Full-HD TVs also cost almost nothing.


We also have such an "old" TV thingie. We used to have all sorts of additional devices on it: "Fire-stick", a media server that accesses our NAS and what we know. Then we have AppleTV4 increased (200 EU) and thrown the rest in the electronic waste.


With an additional device, like Chromecast, you get the Internet on the TV for about 30 euro instead of having to buy a smart TV for at least 400 euro.

Panasonic is a good brand