TV receiver. What do you need?


It seems a bit stupid to ask, but what exactly do I need to be able to watch TV, including private broadcasters like prosieben etc.

I have an approximately 5 year old panasonic television and no receiver box, because for years I have not watched traditional television, but only streamed YouTube, netflix etc.

What kind of receiver do I need and do I need any subscription for private broadcasters? Do I need an antenna or just cable? Could it be that my TV has a built-in receiver and I just didn't discover it.

Lately I have had problems with the internet more often and especially during the pandemic it is unbearable without the internet. That's why I want to set up TV channels so that I can use the TV without an internet connection.


Could it be that my television set has a built-in receiver

Yes. Then of course we can't say what you need.

But the first question is how do you want to watch TV: satellite, cable, terrestrial antenna or internet?

And then you have to see whether your television has the necessary receiver.

With Sat, that's enough: plug the cable into the socket and off you go.

With cable or internet you still have to sign a contract.


Hmm… With a 5 year old tv, the receiver should already be built in! Depending on what is going on with you… Satellite, cable or roof antenna… You have to set up the tv accordingly!


If I buy a normal SAT receiver, can I just connect it and watch normal private channels?


Yes, if there's a working satellite connection, then yes.


First of all, you need a reception path, as satellite, cable TV or DVB-T2 via an indoor antenna. Just a receiver means no reception, a satellite receiver also needs a satellite dish, which must then be able to be directed to Astra 19.2 ° East.

For cable television there must be a transfer point of the cable network operator in the basement, if it does not exist, cable television is also not possible.

The last possibility would then be DVB-T2 via a room or outside antenna, via the link you can find out whether and how DVB-T2 reception is possible with you

With DVB-T2, the private channels are all encrypted and can only be seen against payment, so a Freenet DVB-T2 receiver is required, these receivers have a Freenet ID printed on them, which can then be activated after payment via DVB-T2 40 channels currently available in Full HD