Switch from the iPad 2018 to the iPad Pro?


Currently have an iPad 2018 and use it to surf, play and Netflix / YouTube.
I now have 430 euro. If I sell my iPad for about 300 euro, I have about 730 euro.
I can then buy the latest iPad Pro. The only question is whether it will be worth it, because I'm actually satisfied with the iPad 2018. I'm just the one who likes to spend money 😂


No, it's not worth it. The iPad Pro is really cool but I work even with the iPad 2018 for technical drawings, NEN simulations and so synonymous for private use (Youtube and co.) …
And that's enough. Since the iPad 2018 is simply the price-performance ratio significantly more than the Pro.



unfortunately we do not have one thing in common… Spend money…

If your old one works well… You will not notice any difference.


Then you did a minus deal because you bought the iPad 2018 much more expensive and sold it for a lot less. 300 euro is also a bit too cheap. You can sell it at the new price. Then you wait until someone answers. If nobody answers, you just keep it. But do not do any negative business. It's stupid.