Netflix, device Netflix Faster for Netflix see not arriving?


Yes, I created an account with an account and so on the Netflix page. Now of course I have also completed the 16 euro subscription and bought the 500 euro Netflix Faster device that you need to be able to watch Netflix on the TV and so on. The device simply does not arrive, is long overdue, 10 days approx. Should it take more than 2 weeks now


How long have you needed an extra device to watch Netflix on TV?

What did you buy please So I don't know anyone who has something like that


Was in the purchase contract with it. Netflix is English and everything. Gabs everything in English only. So the contract and all that


I spontaneously know 8 televisions on which I have already watched Netflix and nobody had anything extra, then they would buy much less: / for 500 euro! Do you have a link to the product?


It is not a product. If you create the account you have to pay the 500 euro directly, i.e. Transfer the device, give your bank details beforehand, and then the 16 euro every month


So for me NEVER anyone had to pay 500 euro and if it is not a product what should arrive xD


In order to create the account, I had to pay the 500 euro, and the device should come right there


Been ripped off.


Google, i.e. The Internet, also says that there's no such device