Why do you all sit in the house and do not want to do anything?


Especially on sundays, I'm always really depressed because nobody wants to do anything. Apart from the fact that I have just two real friends. Since I've been out in the circle of friends as a gay, a few friends have disappeared. Anyway, I'm one who always has to run something. Being outside on Saturday, cleaning the car, gardening or anything else. On Sundays I would always like to go hiking (mountains are not far away). But nobody wants to. Since it is always "nöö look netflix" or "kuck tv and have no desire". So I'm mostly on my own on Sundays. But I wonder: are all the young people sitting inside and watching Netflix, even if it's such a nice weather? What should I do? Not even the gym is open on Sundays. You could do a lot of nice things. BBQ by the lake, etc. But that's always too much for everything. Because you drive so rather short to Subway or elsewhere.


It comes from the fact that many are lazy and no longer feel it important to socialize, is not really up to you, I would look for friends who also like to go out


Up to 60% of the 9-15 age group can't be found on the streets so there are really few out there. Only adult teenagers from 20 years.

Reason: video games, movies and listless mood!


Mimimi - only boring people are bored.
You are also sitting in front of the PC!
Do not talk about it - do it.
If your friends do not bring you anything, look for new ones.
You should not say "all" and "none" because other people are not like that.


Yes, but why do so many have such a listless mood?


It is sad that most parents do not take their children on holiday. Get them a babysitter or send them to friends.