I like to be alone?


Is it really normal to want to be alone? I would love to be alone for the rest of my life. I actually have a lot of good friends and I meet them more or less, but being able to be alone is the best thing for me, because then I can do what I want. I usually do something for school, Netflix, gamble, eat, clean up, do sports, etc., but for the most part I'm rather unproductive. Still, I like it. Other people are looking for a reason and a reason to live and I'm just happy to be able to live with it, even if it wasn't always nice, but beautiful things have happened that make me happy.

I just wonder if it is "healthy" to have such an attitude to life.

W / 16


If your attitude to life makes you happy, it is also healthy or in any case it will not harm you.

You are still very young. You change your outlook on life several times in your life. So it may be that at some point you no longer like the current loneliness and you want to live a different life. That would be okay too.

It is only important that you live the way you want.


What is normal"? I would not be so happy, but if it is right for you there's nothing against living alone.


Yes, that is perfectly normal.

You are pretty introverted. That's why it's normal for you.

I'm there just like you.

Unfortunately, many people find it strange when you are like that and judge you for it because they can't understand it.

But never let yourself be persuaded that you have to change anything or that that would be bad. It is normal and not pathological or unhealthy. If that's what you want, that's all that matters.


I've had different phases in my life, but the last 15 years I've been almost alone, but by no means lonely. I never get bored. When I was still living in the city, I had to film bands for a few years as a hobby and then edit them, but I was still not very sociable. I have been living in the country with chickens, cats and a large garden for 8 years. I feel good there and don't want to go anywhere. I have sporadic contact with neighbors and friends, but very rarely. It could take weeks for me to see a person and he wouldn't bother me at all.

However, it would be better if you were productive, and if you only made yourself on the net, what changes it would need so that the earth is not completely driven against the wall.