Am I a bad girlfriend / daughter?


So I do not know exactly how to explain everything exactly but I'll just start.

I like to be alone most of all I feel so much happier. Watch Netflix, listen to music and draw like. My girlfriends like to drink alcohol go to parties in clubs or just like street parties, etc. I never go with it, say so good as always (in normal meetings, I always say). They do not even ask me any more (which I do not think is that bad). My parents do not like this, they really want me to go partying and do more things, as I'm always alone, even on the weekends.

Generally I hate big group of people (school, parties ect) I just do not feel well among people… I do not know exactly why (the only thing that has a lot to do with it is that I used to be bullied for about 4 years). My friends have all had a friend unso and I do not know at all, I know that currently two guys are interested but I feel so stressed out mega and do not want all that.

Often I'm not feeling too well, either I just cry like that or do not feel any emotion at all, but of course I'm fine too and I'm happy, it's usually more in phases

I do not know what to do and if I should do anything about it. (I've often tried to go with it, but I never liked it). Am I funny because as a 17 year old I should live my life and try everything: /


Some people just do not like crowds, parties, etc. That's just uncomfortable for them. That's normal, you do not have to be ashamed of that. And for not having a boyfriend, much less. You are 17, concentrate on your future in education etc. The "prince charming" will come soon enough. I'm 20 years old and did not have a boyfriend.

The description of your "way of life" sounds a bit like having an asperger syndrome, but it's not necessarily the case. Inform yourself about it and let yourself clarify if necessary.

One more thing: Tell your parents clearly that you do not like such events. You certainly have other interests in which you can find like-minded people. And if you're not completely lonely, it's not bad to be a bit withdrawn.

In any case, you are neither a bad friend nor a bad daughter!


I'm many, many years older than you, but when I read your text, I remembered my own youth and recognized myself in your words. In my time there were not so many street festivals, one rather went to the disco. It did not make sense to me to stay in a dark room, with lots of music and unknown people (except for my own friends), with whom you could not talk, but had to dance tightly entwined… I was often alone and alone on the weekends was, as you evidently, glad, or at least not disappointed, when my girlfriends left without me. Going out and celebrating I have always experienced as a must, according to the motto: 'I have to stop now because I'm 17'. Maybe you have similar thoughts.

What I would like to recommend to you from my own experience is that you should not force yourself to be pushed or forced to do anything. Being able to be alone is an important trait that you should take care of when you feel better about it than among crowds. Sometimes you try to find something good, which the others find good, just to be part of it. But in my experience, you pay a high price: you have the impression of being a bad person, which according to your title, is also the case with you. This impression comes from the fact that one does things that one finds "bad". Further, one forces one to do something and does violence to oneself, which reinforces the feeling of one's own wickedness. So you're not a bad girlfriend or daughter; your feeling, in my opinion, is that you may be trying too hard to adjust, running the risk of losing yourself and creating a "bad" feeling in you. My tip would therefore be: Take care of yourself and stay true to yourself.


So I've read about the Asperger syndrome and I do not think that I have that I can even adjust relatively well in groups even though I feel more uncomfortable, if anyone appeals to me I can talk too. Have 2-3 friends and already had first kisses with a boy (was not with him zsm was complicated) I guess rather that I'm somehow very introverted. I can describe it hard. For example, I have no problems with interpersonal contacts so group work in the school ect. Only I like to be alone. Unfortunately it is so complicated that I can't describe it myself


I recognized myself in your words. I'm there just like you. This with the partner does not hurry, do not let yourself stress there. I got mine, for example, with 20 ^^ that does not need to rush.

Your parents should be rather proud that you do not drink and do not like it. I think they are just worried. That's how parents are. But you are great as you are.


Yes, that's all true for me…


I understand. Do not worry, I'm like that (not exactly natural, but I can understand you very well). You do not have to be ashamed of that, nor is it somehow abnormal. We're not the only ones! Stand by yourself as you are and be proud of it!


An excellent answer.


What I forgot: you are not funny at all! It's true that you should "live your life" - just as you want it and you like it, not as you supposedly have to.




Happy 😉 I wish you all the best!