Series / Netflix?


I'm looking for a series that I watched on Netflix. Unfortunately, it was a while ago and I can't remember the name of the series. The series was definitely horror / drama

The show was about a girl who died after a hair dryer fell into her bathtub.

Then it somehow happened that another girl who had no relation to her came into contact with the dead girl's parents.
The girl was poor and the parents wanted to help her and offered her a place at a private school for their dead daughter.

The parents then became more and more obsessed with the girl and somehow she became more and more their dead daughter outwardly, even though the girl was dark-skinned and her dead daughter was white (her hair fell out and she suddenly got blonde straight hair, even though she was before that had brown curls)

I don't really know how it ended, but in any case, the parents somehow locked her up until she had completely taken over the body of their actually dead daughter.

That's what I can actually remember. I hope you can understand it to some extent and that someone can remember the name.


I think you mean How i met your mother

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