Which Star Trek series are watching?


I would like to see a Star Trek series… Which is best for beginners and if I look one then I should look best all series or hang not so close together (I know so that not at all so sorry if that seems stupid I mean if a character appears in several series)? Is there a coherent story in the series or could I just watch it look interesting? I only have Netflix would it make sense if I then for the new star Trek series Amazon Prime hole or can you omit the series?

I'm not sure if I should start with Star Trek because there are a lot of squadrons of the whole series do I have to understand the series to be totally in the universe or is not a lot of background knowledge required?


There are always many individual episodes but starting from Star trek Next Generation c one should look in the row as many times also sometimes refers to what before or the figures have yet to develop. Especially with depp space 9, it is important to watch from sequence 1 but there are a lot of follow that you can look like this .https://www.fernsehserien.de/suche/star%20trek

Here you can see information about the episode before.

You do not have to have background knowledge.

Start with Captain kirk, but unfortunately the new one got dunked by the captain. Is only 1 or 2 sentences.


Do you mean that it is worth the time expenditure? So the first series is not so long but Voyager, deep Space 9 and next generation have 170 follow and so to watch a series takes me a long time because I always look at several series at the same time.


Worth doing that but just so that you do not follow each

I have to look at the link individually.

For example, follow 1 is the same as follow 14 +15 only that kirk and co mite.

There are, for example, also follow those rather not worthwhile or at voyager or Enterprise with archer rather at the beginning or at the end of the series, for example, from 3 deer 4 season.


I would start with Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) or Star Trek: Enterprise and then TNG. In my opinion, the best entry into the Star Trek universe. You can also start with TOS, but that's not for everyone. You can forget about "Discovery", that does not have much to do with Star Trek.


I do not know about Discovery because I have not seen it myself. In almost all other series, however, there are occasional references to events in and even appearances or mentions of characters from the older series (the exception being Enterprise and, of course, Star Trek).

Of course, if you have not seen them, you will not understand the allusion or even not recognize it at all. But that's not bad, because that's not absolutely necessary for understanding the events. For something like that, that the action of a series in one of the series is continued directly in a series of one of the other series, there's not.

Especially Deep Space Nine and Enterprise you should, however, already as possible from episode 1 to watch, because the content has particularly strong connected consequences. But also with spaceship Voyager and The Next Century there are consequences related to events in earlier episodes of the respective series.

I'd rather advise against Star Trek if you do not like the general science fiction of the '60s. Otherwise, you can just start with the series that suits you the most, if you can refrain from understanding the allusions.


Which series do you think is worth the most? Because the series have all followed ca.170 and I do not know if it's really worth starting such a long series…

But it is already so that the strands of action (there are even more strands of action?) Not only come to an end at the end of the series but stop some already after a sequence and end some actions over a few follow?


There are two storylines in Deep Space Nine that pretty much run through the series.

In Enterprise this is not quite as pronounced as there's a continuous storyline in Season 3, in Season 4 several consecutive and otherwise quite a few episodes related to earlier.

But in both series there are also consequences that you can see without having seen another one before.

In my opinion, all series pay off except Starship Enterprise. But maybe Voyager and The Next Century would be best for you because, as far as I'm concerned, there are the most or less independent consequences.


Ok, thanks for the tips. Do you mean the original series or series of 2001 with Starship Enterprise? I'll probably take a look at the first episodes of the series and then decide…


The 2001 only Enterprise, Rauschiff Enterprise is the original series.


OK, do you think that's worth it in terms of time? Because all series except for the original series have so follow about 170 and I do not know whether it is really worth the whole series to look.


And what do you think is the best and the worst series from the big picture?


What does it already worth? It is entertainment. There are better and worse consequences, but as Trekkie it is worthwhile to watch everyone.


This is my purely subjective opinion but the best I would call TNG, DS9 and Voyager something equal, then Enterprise. TOS is out of order. Discovery is definitely the worst so far.


Star Trek is not that action packed right? So as I understand it is more about the problems of the "future" so conflicts with other life forms and new technologies, etc. And less about action or?


Yes, at least in the older series there's relatively little action. If you like action movies, it's not for you. Except maybe "Discovery".