Which new series are you hoping for great entertainment from?


I've already been keeping an eye out for three future series that may well be very good.

In which of these series are you the most optimistic?

Star Trek - Picard (Amazon)

His Dark Materials (HBO)

The Witcher (Netflix)

Which new series do you trust most to become great?


I'm really looking forward to Star Trek - Picard. The trailers look very great and the actions should be very interesting.

I liked the series with Cap. Picard and I'm glad that it goes on with him.


I'm a big fan of Geralt and have always said that I was surprised that the material was never picked up by Hollywood - whether as a series or for the big screen. In my opinion, the Witcherversum offers everything a good franchise needs.

This is unlike other popular games that have already been filmed - quite unsuccessfully - like Assassin's Creed for example. Or Prince of Persia. Since the implementation fails mmn always that you must note the finished game the "level character" of the template. That's just different with the Wichter. Geralt comes from books, offers both a straightforward plot - and the ability to tell just in a series, individual "Witcherabenteuer". The world is complex and emotionally charged. Humor, tension and depth: The template has everything to build on.

Whether Netflix does that is in the stars. At least I hope for good conversation.

Of the 3, the least good of me is the good old Picard. Maybe because I did not like the "Enterprise" with Captain Archer too bad? I do not know, frankly.

In "His Dark Materials" I found it a pity that after the filming of the first book (Golden Compass) was over. I did not think the implementation was bad at the time and would have liked to be here as a complete trilogy. However, the problem with the substance is the third volume that I always considered anti-climatic. But if HBO can do that (maybe for a change up to and including the last season, clearing it), I'd definitely watch it too.

But as a Geralt fan, I just have to be "hyped" of the prospect of the Witcher series.

Va fail


For me, it's the opposite in some way.
Although I have played all the Witcher games and the novels almost twice, but I'm just very, very skeptical of what I've seen from the series so far. Apart from sometimes very inappropriate actor choices, I'm also disturbed by the slowly suggestive artificial diversity that simply does not fit into The Witcher.
I mean, the world of The Witcher is already very racist and xenophobic, because it just does not fit, if inexplicably suddenly selected actors with different skin colors, against which then also inexplicable reasons in the series, of course, no one racist in any way Behave - you do not want a scandal.

In addition, I think Netflix will prepare the story very much for the masses, which the original fidelity will certainly suffer from.


None. So far, the implementation of The Witcher is very skeptical.

At least I was not thrilled with what I've seen so far.


Thanks for the asterisk! I'm looking forward.