Netflix: What do you think of The Witcher?


I've already watched 6 episodes of the new Neflix series "The Witcher" - and I'm only moderately impressed. I was hoping that the series could temporarily close the gap that the end of "Game of Thrones" left in my series life. Not at all.

On the contrary, I found many things rather bad: the acting performance of many minor characters, the dialogues, the productions, the armor.

A lot of things seemed second-class to me.

how do you see it? Has anyone watched the series yet?

How did you like this series (so far)?


Makes you think if you think Game of Thrones has left a gap in your series life. Also, you obviously approached with false expectations that a GoT is definitely not a witcher. And if you look at the first season of GoT again, there's a lot there, apart from Sean Bean, what you call second-class. Game of Thrones took years to become what it ended up becoming. The witcher should also be given this time.

I've only seen episode one so far, but it has already picked me up. The setting, the equipment, the music and indeed the performers don't seem second-rate to me, on the contrary, they are very high quality. I only know the Witcher games and I'm aware that the series is more based on the books, but I definitely like the story and will continue to watch enthusiastically.

Otherwise, if you want to see second-rate series, take a look at Xena or Hercules. It is a true amateur game without a budget. And even as a disappointed GoT fan, you should notice the differences to The Witcher.


I can understand if people think the story is not good or funny because there are sometimes confusing time jumps. If you know the books like I do, you can see through them much better. I also enjoy seeing how the stories from the books are now visually in front of me, which gives me an extra thrill.

What I absolutely can't understand is the claim that the presentation would be mediocre. I mean the monsters look pretty good, the armor realistic and especially Geralt's fights just look epic.


So I think that the monsters look good. I don't like the armor at all. I have to agree with you about the fights.

However, I find a lot of scenes strange. For example, when the kings tried to stab this bewitched "hedgehog". This usually happens so quickly that her daughter would have had no time to react to save him. Also that Gerald fights this monster girl and then dies so poorly from her bite, even though she is no longer a monster.

And: the first episode went far too quickly for me: you were led straight into a battle without knowing anything. Except that it appears to be the "good guys" and "bad guys" - but I really lack the complexity that was clearly present in Game of Thrones.

I also find the fact that even the Queen fights in such battles strange.

And although Gerald is supposed to be more dismissive and distant, he immediately smooches with the first woman (whom he later kills).

Well… I could complain about a lot more, but you certainly don't want to read half a novel here.

I would be happy if you would react to this! LG


You know why nobody ages so much

The Geralt does not age is clear

But ciri's grandmother?

It looks exactly the same even though several years have passed


The story in the Striege (Foltest's daughter) is written in the book. She injured him so badly that he almost died. That had just been unfortunate.

You understand the first episode directly if you know the books. But as I said, without this prior knowledge it is a bit quick, I think so too. And you can see that kings fight in battles in many stories.

The rest of the things are a matter of opinion. There are probably a few small aspects of the games that have slipped in too.

Witcher series? is israelcd