Changing the way of looking at the world through drugs (Netflix series vs reality)?


Maybe you have almost seen the new Netflix series How to sell drugs online. Anyway, there's a girl who gets in contact with drugs and after a while she says that everything is irrelevant, because the earth is generally insignificant in general because we're just a small point in a galaxy of which it is several billion are.

Do many drug users think so? In itself it is not wrong. And as long as you still get along in life, in this worldview is synonymous not suspend in my opinion. How do you see it?


I've been kissing for a while and I agree with the girl you're talking about. But in the end, this opinion has nothing to do with fact that we take drugs. Alcohol is a stronger drug. Ask your parents if they think so too


Well, alcohol is not a mind-expanding substance, but tends to cloud consciousness. I once limped for a while and I think so too, so I wonder if that is somehow cliché, because it was also in the series about it. There, however, MDMA was consumed.


Have unfortunately no experience with MDMA so I can compare that unfortunately bad. Everyone knows that you think about Stoned things where some would never come on it. So it could really be something to it.


I agree, although I have never used drugs, alcohol or anything else. Except for the fact that we're "insignificant". This little spot already does something. Maybe we will never know what