Losing the connection to reality by buying video games?


A classmate of mine has told me today that I will lose touch with reality when I buy a game on the internet for 40 euro, which is reduced by 60 euro.

Is that correct and will it (because I bought a downed game) make me lose touch with reality and mess up my whole life?

What is reality for you, could this possibly define one for me?

He also wanted to make me believe that I would kill my brain cells when I play computer games, but it should be smarter to look Netflix because it does not stupefuse.

Could you please help me and say if it all makes sense?


All the consequences that can happen but do not have to.

It is always the question of how the balance to normal life is and how the transfer is mastered.

Netflix I do not see here as a better alternative and risk-free.


Yes I'm doing my secondary school leaving certificate and I'm also pretty good at school


At the most there could be a buying addiction but that can happen with clothes and other things.

there are people who behave like a monkey who is reduced somewhere. But you can't relate to gaming exclusively. This often happens to not gamers.

brain cells do not die from it only when you see rtl2.

I've been gaming since I was 4 years old, where there was still the SNES on the tube. I'm today what man calls hardcoregamer (on weekends like 15 hours a day) and I have in the iq test, for example, a higher iq than the average which one does not see my spelling but in the pronunciation and logic.
ps: do not rely on the iq many people are trod high iq different intelligent.

It has even been proven that gaming the brain even promotes more than chess or other strategy games.

I even have to say that I have the feeling that just the hardcore gamer have a good reputation as far as their logic is concerned.

The gamer I know (especially friends) often get to hear like me. How logically-focused man would be, you only pay attention to the facts and do not interpret any garbage together like many do today.

if articles 11 and 13 tell you something…
This is the pattern of smart people informing themselves and have nothing against these articles and stupid people or uninformed are afraid of Internet censorship what the evil evil politicians want to introduce.


I know one who gives out gaming in the month of 1200 and has high debts that is the only one I know because I would label as addictive. I've come across thousands of people and he was the only one.