No more enthusiasm for video games?


I've been playing video games since I was a kid and I've always been drawn to that.

I was very enthusiastic about games like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and GTA and played them through a number of times because I was fascinated by the immersion of them.

Be it the beautiful, designed worlds, the main and secondary characters or the story.

Meanwhile, I'm 20 years old and I've really lost interest, which is why I tend to use the PS4 more for watching Netflix or Amazon Prime.

I feel like I've seen it all before with newer games, and the last game that got me hooked on my PS4 was Red Dead Redemption 2 and Persona 5.

I don't even touch my Switch anymore, because the games are expensive and I feel like I don't have any new games. (Except from the Monster Hunter series).

Since the beginning of the Corona period, I have not played my games out of enthusiasm but rather out of boredom.

(But sometimes I don't have fun doing it)

How is it with you guys?


The same is normal I think because the body gets boring at some point and keeps playing day after day


You have to imagine, I honestly haven't touched the PS4 in a year.

My friends talked me into winning Rainbow Six Siege and I've only played that with them ever since.

I won't touch it alone.


I haven't known an xbox for 1 year (m / 13)


For a while I didn't want to gamble anymore, but then I started playing soccer and for some reason I always wanted to gamble after training.


It's normal, it has slacked off a lot for me, I used to think the games were much better somehow.


Yes, because the hardware was a bit limited, which is why we concentrated more on stories.

Take a look at the old Final Fantasy games.


I had the problem too, and I think it was because I was trying to plug a hole with the video games, so to speak. So actually I was missing something in my real life and that's why the video games have always been my haven. At some point, however, you subconsciously realize that the video games are not real life. So I tried to take better care of myself and put the video games on the back burner. I was wondering if I felt poop about the video games or because my life in general is a little poop right now. So ask yourself that as well while playing your game. And if the answer is your life, then take steps to make yourself feel better. Do what you enjoy that is not video gaming. For me, for example, when my room is messy, I tidy it up and I feel a little better. Or I make myself something delicious to eat and try really hard. Something like that. That is probably individual for everyone. So see what you enjoy.


For me, because of my bullying past, I played video games because it was like a kind of "refuge" for me.

My bullying time ended 5 years ago and I made a lot of friends at my secondary school.

I still play the old ps2 games occasionally, because they remind me of my childhood and the good times of the past.


Me too. Play a little more with friends every now and then, but not either