Shifting, don't I understand?


So a lot of people are shifting that means they are going to sleep? Meditate Or both at the same time, you imagine a script? And then they travel into this reality… So do you really believe that you are no longer in this reality? They only dream you. Then I also read a question here about whether shifting was dangerous and whether you could get stuck in this reality. Answers were something like: "Put a word in your script!"… I don't quite understand all of this and I find that kind of creepy it also reminds me a lot of the Netflix series "I see something you don't see"… Very much.


"Shifting" is a tiktok trend. If you want, you can spend a long time doing it. But you can also let it be.

The Netflix series is a series that was shot for mass entertainment. The content is not real. You can also think of shifting as an imaginative assertion. Of course, it doesn't work and you can't get stuck somewhere. If you enjoy it, you can write as many scripts as you want.

If you "don't get it" it is a sign that you got it just right.


You don't have to understand that either.

I think that's nonsense because it's a "photography practice". How should that work in the dream?


Reality shifting is 100% real.


That sounds really cool. You write yourself a script for reality shifting, which is about writing yourself a script for reality shifting. And then you shift into a world in which some fans talk about shifting and none of them get it "right". "Correct" is in quotation marks, because if everyone manages it equally badly, then everyone is also the total expert, because they understand as much of the topic as the most experienced 2%.

I think I'm into reality shifting. No - I'll write myself a script in which I'm into reality shifting. And then I do that.

Life is just great. It's nice that Tiktok has the advisors, otherwise you wouldn't even notice it.


I'm glad I could help you. Reality shifting is really a cool thing. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help. I'm really glad that you "believe" in it, because if you don't "believe" in it, it's your own fault, because you miss so much then.


You are funny. I like that.

I believe in reality so much that any kind of shifting is not necessary. To put it clearly: I'm my desired reality. I think life is just wonderful. I can't remember being bored for even 10 seconds in my life. On a long train ride I didn't have a book with me, but jumped up curiously, ran through all the wagons and counted people who were absorbed in books / smartphones / laptops. And then again 10 minutes later to see if anything has changed.

When I have nothing to do, I go out and look for bugs with a magnifying glass. You can hardly imagine what wonderful mini animals there are. And when I'm lying in bed at night and don't want to bother anyone looking for bugs (or lint! Have you ever looked at lint under the microscope?), I wonder why it is so easy to say the alphabet forwards, but much tougher backwards. So I just learned that in backwards too. Maybe I need that someday. Memorizing prime numbers up to 1000 is also exciting. How long does it take you to lie in bed at night?

I have 100% reality right around me here. I don't miss anything, because I'm right here for 86400 seconds a day.

Maybe you want to try that out too. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help.


I'm glad that you like your life so much. Unfortunately not for me. So let me keep "fantasizing".