Suddenly I'm missing a large number of series on Netflix e.g. Sons of Anarchy, Pokemon, You etc and I don't understand why?

Suddenly I m missing a large number of series on Netflix e.g. Sons of Anarchy, Pokemon, You etc and I don t understand why

Everyone has these series, just not me. And I don't have parental controls in there either, as even Pokemon can't be found. Can someone explain to me why? I don't understand at all. Some series are in and some just aren't and Pokemon, for example, I was still watching 3 days ago. The licenses are all still active and these series are also shown as search suggestions, but they are neither in my playlist nor when I search for them on Netflix.


You may be enrolled in another country


Have you activated a VPN that accesses a server that is located in a country where the series are not available?
I could imagine the cause of the problem.


Sons of Anarchy is missing because Star is now available on Disney +, which includes many series and movies that were previously available on Netflix.

Unfortunately, I don't know why you can't watch the others.


No, haven't changed anything


Then unfortunately I don't know what to do next. Often times, Netflix only buys licenses for a certain period of time and then takes them down, but these are still there for your friends, which means that is probably not the problem.

Would you be so kind as to contact me about the solution to the problem if you should find it? Would interest me!


In fact, all 7 seasons of SoA are still available on Netflix.


I do, but it's not because of the licenses either because a colleague's series is on Netflix


Nevermind, you just wrote that


I turned the router off and on and now all the series are back!


That's weird, haha, well if that is the case, I wish you a lot of fun with your revived series!