Date canceled due to illness, is she still interested?


Have 2 weeks ago on a Saturday a girl at a party met. Have someday also had sex in the evening and changed numbers. Now we wanted to meet for the third time. Have suggested: let Netflix look at you on Sunday at 19. She said yes with a red running smiliey behind it. Today she wrote to me that she was ill. Did you ask if that would be nothing today? She said she does not know. Then I said that we can move without problems. Then she asked me if she was not mad at her either. I did not mean to her by any means. How do you think about that?


Yeah, she's probably just sick. She certainly has interest.


If she had used that as an excuse and had no interest, she would not make sure that you had no problem with that.


As long as she does not find out again next time… And you've met twice already. So she's probably really sick, can happen.

Besides, she asked again, she wants to make sure that you are not angry.

So do not worry, it will…