How do I download Netflix and Youtube on my MacBook?


This is the first time I've bought a Macbook and can't find Netflix, Youtube or other streaming services in the app store…

Where can I watch Netflix, for example? Is there another app for this?


Unfortunately, this is not the case with the MacBook. You can only use the services on the Internet.


What do I then have to enter on the Internet? Simply log in to YouTube, for example, and then keep re-registering?


You can watch Netflix normally through your web browser. Why should you need an "app" for it?

(Safari is the name of the browser that is installed at Apple's factory)

You go to the Netflix website, enter your login details and you can start watching. You don't even need to register with YouTube.


Do I have to log in again and again?


I do not understand the question.

Have you ever been to the website and signed up? Do that first. Have you never logged into a website in a browser with a user account?


Just or and as far as I know you can check the box next to '' stay logged in ''