Are you lost if you only have your job in life?


A work colleague told me today, very factually and not insultingly, that I needed therapy.

He claims that it is not normal if you have nothing in life but your job. No friends, no sex, no parties. It really is like that. I work, exercise, and then watch Netflix. There's nothing more in my life.

(And that was also the case before Corona)

The point is, I was never aware of it until now. Of course I already knew that I live very withdrawn and without contacts. It also feels very painful at times. However, this is so normal in my life that I didn't even think about it. Until now!

Should you really seek medical help if you don't have a social / sex life?


A doctor can't help you there. And I can only give you one piece of advice: besides work, sports and Netflix, do something that provides you with a minimum of contacts. It can be a club, a music group, an honorary position.

If your monothematic life is not a nuisance for you and you do not suffer from it, there's actually no acute emergency. But loneliness can also creep in. You should counteract that a bit.


The ancient slaves of Egypt had

1. Your work which replaces the sport

2. Party with beer which was paid as wages

3. Theater via stories they told themselves (oldschool netflix)

They just didn't have a choice of types of bread and beer, but what you don't know, you can't miss ^^

You have to decide whether the community is more important than the free choice of the type of bread (or the other way around), otherwise you lead a kind of slave life - that's sad

But a doctor only knows his work and will sanctify you for it.


No, you are not lost.

Also, sex and parties don't satisfy the soul either, they're very superficial things.

Nevertheless, it would be good if you had 1-2 people who would allow your life to not become lonely.


Ask yourself a simple question: am I happy with my life? If you can answer "YES" to this question, there's nothing to worry about.

There are people who are totally happy with a lifestyle like the one you lead. Incidentally, I'm one of them: I hardly have any friendships, spend most of the day at work and spend my free time watching TV, the Internet and video games. So what?

What is it to strange people how I lead my life? If someone thinks they have to give me some sermons in relation to my way of life, then they are welcome to touch me by the feet, as the North German likes to say.

So: if you are dissatisfied, then try to work on yourself. On the other hand, if you are happy, then you don't need to worry about other people's sermons.


I don't know if I'm happy Never thought about it like that. I guess I need some time…


No, why?

If you don't miss anything, that's totally ok.

Those who keep their social contacts within limits will not be disappointed and thus hurt by alleged "friends".

At some point every pot will find its lid.

Now I just have to laugh…

You surely know why ;-)


Yes, I understand.