To adolescents: getting to know girls?


I (m / 17) wants to ask you teenagers how you meet foreign girls / boys?

I'm now in the situation that I'm ready for a serious relationship but if I look at my environment, I doubt it!

I'm someone who does not drink at every opportunity but is more goal-oriented, d. H. I rarely go to party. Besides, why should I meet girls at a party if they are the party girl. I do not want one who "drips" every day. Netflix evenings are z. B. Dear but where can you find such girls😅🤷♂️ I hope that somehow you understand

ps: i live in no big city


If you have absolutely no girl in mind, you can try out a dating app like Lovoo or something similar.


Everything is from 18🤷♂️


There are already a few girls that I find interesting z. B. At school or on instagram


Surely you're still going to school, right? Well then you could "seek" in your level and the levels below and above you


Then write it down, I've always done and it does not itch anyone that is from 18 xD


Where do you get to know "real" girls? 😅 In the city, school?


Good Idea "Jz may I just do not sell that."


I'm a girl, so… 😂

Everywhere🤷🏻♀️ just if it works so easy, I do not know, because that can also go backwards😅


I believe you, I would appeal to a girl even if she is alone, in a group that would only be embarrassing for both