Do girls like soulful boys?

- in Movies

I'm male 18 years old and have never had a girlfriend. But I would like to have one so someone who loves me and where I feel safe. But I'm more so shy and I'm also emotional (so I also hear more soulful songs and sometimes I watch love movies and cry in sad scenes sometimes). I just do not know if girls like this… Besides, I play handball and often read and watch netflix so I do not play like many of my age computer games (I do not know if that's a + or - point on girls). I generally know You can never say that, but I'd like to share your opinions


Most girls need someone like you and if you find the right one, they will feel comfortable. Because there are few of them


Do you think that I could watch a love movie with her then or is that stupid when I start to cry. And do you think that there are few of my kind of boy or that there are only a few on it?


That's exactly what girls want


OK, thank you for your answer. I always thought that then looks dumb


So I would not want a man who is more sensitive and emotional than me, a whiner or a crybaby, so in the end I feel like "the man" in the relationship. I'm glad that my friend shows strength and maturity.


OK but mature is also important to you. So you mean that he is not so "childish" then? And if it is ok for you if he is emotional so if he does not always rumble straight (so if he ran for example at the end of Titanic a few tears he otherwise but if a movie is sad he is not rumheult directly) but if he does not is "cold".


Well, I used to be with a guy who was pretty soulful (he always moaned about every little thing, he was thrown off track by even the smallest of pups, he was a scaredy cat and I just did not feel safe at all with him and felt safe but rather as if I had to take care of him and take care of him and that was a hell of a turndown for me, since then I'm just getting into it when a guy is a little bit harder and shows me that I'm safe with him and he Of course, one can talk about his feelings and everything is not a problem but something that happened to me then I do not need again.


My first answer with a good question for you: I'm an international student from China and had similar experience as yours. At the age of 18, I also had such grief. After a long-distance relationship, I realize that nobody can accompany you, only ourselves. Now live and study alone in Germany. Everyone has many things to do that are more important than love. I'm happy to enjoy alone. Travel, read, go outing. You are spicy one, someday she comes, good guy!