Are you in bed all day, only exercising in the evening?


16 years old

Since Corona, I've been in bed most of the time and watch Netflix. But in the evening I do strength sports and go for a walk. Can this lifestyle have any effects on my health or anything else? My fear is, even though I know this sounds a bit silly, that it may cause my face to deform a little because I keep pressing it against the pillow all day and I get a rather asymmetrical face. And that I get more pimples.


The same thing happened to me. I sit at home all day doing homework or reading and then at night I start hopping around the apartment. Unfortunately I can't give you an answer to your question, in any case none with a guarantee. I don't think this has any health implications for anyone. The only thing that is not so good is that you get so little or no light.


Then do some sport during the day, you apparently enjoy it. By the way, outdoor sports, alone, e.g. Running, are still allowed


Okay good I'm not the only one.
About the light is a good point. Then I try to cuddle up outside with a blanket 👍


Sports in the evening is a bit out of place. Your body should rest in the evening and not be brought into full swing.

Biologically, this is not quite optimal.


Pimples are normal if you rub your face against your pillow all day. Your pillowcase should be changed very often.
And in the evening I also like to do sports.

It just feels good somehow


And do you think this will make my face unbalanced? I read that on the internet


One half of my face goes to Uganda even without sport Sport can't relate