How is your life at the moment (because of Corona)?


So I was worried a lot, especially at the beginning, but now I don't panic anymore because fear made me sick. Fortunately, my family and everyone I know is doing well. My everyday life looks like I've been working in the home office for over 3 months, which works great, since we only work on the PC anyway. I really let myself go for the first few weeks. No sport, hobbies completely neglected, lots of Netflix etc. And recently I decided that I would rather use the time better.

Means I draw and read a lot again, continue to write my book, spend time with friends and family, got out my old roller skates and practice tricks with them in the fresh air and do workouts at home.

Of course, this makes me feel much better. I'm interested in how it looks with others. What about work? How is your health (physically and mentally)? Do you rather let yourself go or do you use the time? Did you discover new hobbies?


Nothing has changed for me.


I was worried all the time - and I'm still worried about it - not because of this virus - I would not be worried - but because of what comes out in the course of the measures - yes, I'm worried Democracy and freedom at the moment - and see again what incompetence rules us.


So do you think that the virus itself is not that bad and that we're under control?


Everything is unchanged for me.


The virus itself is not really bad (in relation - of course for those affected with deaths, of course…). A mortality rate of 0.3-0.5 - for infected people - there's no need to riot for that. That is totally exaggerated.

But because it's over the top, the number of infections has been really low - for months! - but the measures have been extended again to October - where it will definitely increase again, simply due to the season - how long should the state of emergency continue here?

We had media here years ago that mocked that Erdogan had been in a state of emergency for years - and now? Everyone cheers because Germany does too.

I find it terrifying how much people - and by that I mean politicians and ordinary citizens and journals - only listen to the RKI and everyone else who doesn't say the same thing is the bad guys…

I find it terrifying when people have the supposedly 600,000 corona dead in their heads right away, but if they are told that the measures will kill about 10x more people according to WHO estimates - then they look at you like buses and ask - and when you do then explained to them what that meant - then something like this came: "Yes, but not in Germany".

I find it frightening that you can provide people with numbers and evidence - and they are completely ignored - and then you get aluminum hats sealed (guaranteed to make 3/4 of the readers in my head with me too).

I find it frightening how the hysteria of the population can be used to remove / restrict freedom rights.

I find it frightening that people don't notice the inconsistencies.

I was worried about our democracy before, since I had been watching freedom of expression develop for years. How and in what way people, media ect are muzzled, who represent unpopular opinions - Corona has not dispelled these worries at all…


Thank you! I'm exactly the same opinion. Most don't want to see that something goes wrong here. Many really seem to me like they have been brainwashed. Unfortunately, I too am always labeled as a conspiracy theorist and aluminum hat. Just because you question the measures and don't believe the media and think for yourself. I'm really worried about how society is developing right now…


I think people are also somewhat afraid to see this - because who has been reporting for months that everything would be absolutely correct and necessary? These are the most consumed media (all with each other), this is a well-known health institute (which certainly has a good reputation for good reason) and that is politics. If you question that, then you have to completely question your whole life, everything that is said to you.

According to the motto: if you are wrong, you don't believe it.

These people are afraid to question this - because they are afraid of the answer. They are afraid that, in the end, they will have to worry about exactly the same things that we worry about.

It is easier, easier, to believe that we're wearing aluminum hats that we're just crazy nuts than to believe that something is going wrong.

Unlike other people, I don't assume that any secret powers (or computer billionaires) do evil things, that would fall under "aluminum hats" for me - but something is going very wrong at the moment.


Yes, since I've turned away from the media and questioned everything that happens around me, I can only shake my head. These are the things that actually scare you. Because then you realize that there's no freedom, no free-thinking people. That something goes wrong in so many things. I understand that people prefer not to listen to you because a deadly virus is perhaps even more harmless than seeing the truth.


As always, only that I now have to wear a mask on the train and it counts as a good excuse for family reunions / etc. Finally a world more to the taste of introverts (home office) :) A blessing! Can stay like this thanks.


Well, I find the masks and the measures extremely annoying because of the deprivation of liberty, unnecessary coercion, control, etc. By the government. But otherwise I understand what you mean. I'm introverted and glad that I haven't had to talk and interact with people every day for 3 months. In addition, the parks are empty and I can roller skate and go for a walk without meeting a thousand people xD


And finally you have a reason to claim 2 seats on the train. No more annoying people next to you.
Fewer people fly, less pointless gatherings aka concerts. I only see advantages. It also helps the climate.


Yes that's true. Finally find no excuses to cancel parties because they no longer take place xD


Very nice, except for the occasional stupid forced masking.


Yes, it gets on my nerves too… Many people have already made friends with their muzzles and like to wear them voluntarily. Disgusting something

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