Netflix? Yes or no?


Is it worth it to get Netflix please answer with pros and cons?


It depends, Netflix has rather many new films and series, even series such as Scrubs can't be found on Netflix. For this I feel Netflix as clearer and cheaper as for example Maxdome.



Sry, could not resist…


Thanks, that's right. Can't change unfortunately: /


Both Netflix and Amazon Prime have their pros and cons. With Netflix, you pay a little more, but you can look at everything that's going on there (without having to pay anything extra). At Amazon Prime, it looks different. There you pay less, but you have to pay extra for certain series and films. And that adds up in the long run. I get along with the included series and movies on Amazon Prime easy, but tastes are known to be different. ^^

But basically, both would even be worthwhile. That would be only 20 euro per month for both platforms.


Personally, I would say yes. Netflix is very strong in exclusive series and in-house productions. You will not find any of the things you see on TV, but Netflix is a real gold mine when you get involved in something new.

They now bring almost every 2 months a new series at the start, which I like to look at, even if many series usually did not last very long.

As for movies, I would not tend to Netflix now. Since you often have a larger selection at Amazon Prime.