Knta yes or no?


So I have an IBF that I have known since November and we're really fat and so… The only problem is that it blocks me from time to time when something fits you again or you have a little quarrel that started with you escalate. Then I feel like I have to write long apology messages to her over all social media apps until she finally unblocks me again. After that, everything is as before and there's hardly any more talk about it. And when I ask her if we can tele in the evening then she says yes and when I call her she refuses or she doesn't answer. And when I ask her why it works and she always writes something like yes I'm watching netflix or I'm with my grandma or something how I fell asleep or I was still studying German. So just something that she already knows when I ask you if we can tele in the evening. I have already given her my opinion on all of this, but she ignored it. And jz is my question what should I do?! She is already a really good friend and has become really important to me lately, because I talk to her about bland everything and I can only do that with very few people and we have also agreed that we will meet in the next vacation. And that's why I want to I don't do a knta but I also notice that it is somehow not doing me any good like yes it was the reason that I started crying a few times. And therefore I really don't know what to do…


If you want to continue to be friends with her then do what you always do but if you don't want it then do knta


It seems very childish to me.

At 12/13 I was exactly like that.

I would just write that it can't go on like this and then contact me again after 1-2 years if the need for contact is still there.


I've come that far, but thank you anyway.


I wouldn't apologize anymore for something she's guilty of. Thanks to you, she learned from this that she can do that to you and manipulates you.

If friendship is important to her, then she will come to you and not only when you have apologized. If she doesn't, then you can see that she doesn't care about you and she plays with you


OK, thanks, she just blocked me and I'll see if she unblocks me again or writes me something


Well, you can't get any further?


Yes you are right…