My Netflix is not working anymore?

- in Movies

The most helpful answer receives the star. My Netflix is not working anymore. Although I come to the Netflix site, I have not been able to select a movie for a few days. There's always the same error message: "Oops, something went wrong, an unexpected error has occurred". Even when reloading the movie selection does not work.

My Internet works, there's no error code, which I could enter with Netflix, allegedly Netflix functions according to own data also and on Amazon Prime the video reproduction works, why the error must lie with Netflix. I do not understand that. Did you have the same problem right now? What can I do? I ask for help.


Bill paid? 😉




Is that your Netflix account or does it use the account of a friend, known etc. Netflix is now against it so that only still families (which live in one house and use the same WLAN) can use a common account and it is no longer available to friends where living can be different.


Yes, that's my Netflix account and only I have access to it.


Hey sign up via Netflix for all registered devices from times and look at what devices you have downloaded something to look offline. Because if you have the base abbo you can only look on a device with downloads.

The best if nothing goes off everywhere and delete all downloads, uninstall app and reinstall.

Then it should work.


I was always logged on to my PC only. Nowhere else.


Ok it can still be that you are logged in different browsers.


It's somehow due to Firefox. I was only logged in to Firefox. That's why I just downloaded Google Chrome and have now logged in there and it works strangely. Do not you happen to know why in Firefox? The star is sure.